Experience a captivating Prison Island tour in Zanzibar, exploring the rich history of the island’s former penitentiary and encountering giant tortoises in a serene coastal setting. Discover the perfect blend of history, wildlife, and natural beauty on this unforgettable excursion.

Go on board on a fascinating Prison Island tour in Zanzibar and delve into the intriguing history of this unique island sanctuary. Discover the remnants of the historical prison, witness the giant tortoises that roam freely, and relax on pristine sandy beaches surrounded by crystal-clear waters. Immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of this captivating destination, combining history, wildlife encounters, and breathtaking coastal scenery. Book your Prison Island tour today for an unforgettable adventure that blends cultural exploration, natural wonders, and relaxation in the heart of Zanzibar.

Prison Island, also called Changuu Island was left immaculate until it was occupied by the Arabs in the 1860s. The island was utilized as an impermanent haven for slaves who were viewed as defiant or with attributes to lead revolts. The slaves were kept there prior to being sold abroad. The Island was likewise utilized to quarantine the individuals who became ill during yellow fever pandemics.

Prison Island houses giant tortoises in which the majority of these creatures are 70 to more than 100 hundred years.  Notably, before you will have brilliant swimming, and superb swimming, tourists can take essential pictures with the monster turtles. Ultimately, our prepared guide will be there to clarify how they are that excited about specific plants and what general they loathe.

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