The Southern Circuit in Tanzania refers to a collection of national parks and game reserves located in the southern part of the country. While the Southern Circuit is more popular and well-known, the Southern Circuit offers its own unique and rewarding safari experiences.


Formely known as Selous Game Reserve, located in southern Tanzania, is one of the largest protected wildlife areas in Africa and a prominent part of the Southern Circuit. Its vast size, covering over 50,000 square kilometers, encompasses a diverse range of habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, and wetlands. Selous is renowned for its abundant wildlife, offering an opportunity to witness a rich variety of animals, including elephants, hippos, crocodiles, lions, leopards, and an array of bird species. The reserve provides a unique safari experience with options for traditional game drives, walking safaris, and thrilling boat safaris along the Rufiji River, where visitors can observe animals up close while navigating through stunning riverine landscapes. With its remote and untouched nature, Selous Game Reserve offers a sense of wildness and adventure, making it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts seeking a more off-the-beaten-path safari experience in Tanzania.

Nature's Essence

Extra Miracle Tours and Safaris is here to expose you to the world in the Tanzania’s southern circuit.


Mikumi National Park, situated in southern Tanzania, is a captivating wildlife destination that forms an integral part of the Southern Circuit. Known as the “mini-Serengeti” due to its resemblance to its larger counterpart, Mikumi offers an accessible and diverse safari experience. The park’s open grasslands, acacia woodlands, and stunning baobab trees create a picturesque backdrop for wildlife viewing. Visitors to Mikumi can expect to encounter a wide range of animals, including lions, zebras, wildebeests, giraffes, and numerous bird species. Game drives through the park present excellent opportunities to witness these incredible creatures in their natural habitat. Mikumi National Park provides a rewarding and memorable safari experience, combining wildlife encounters, stunning landscapes, and a chance to immerse in the wonders of Tanzania’s Southern Circuit.


Ruaha National Park, located in southern Tanzania, is a captivating gem within the Southern Circuit. Renowned for its rugged and untouched wilderness, Ruaha offers a remote and authentic safari experience. Spanning vast landscapes and intersected by the Great Ruaha River, the park is home to an incredible diversity of wildlife. Visitors can spot elephants, lions, leopards, buffalos, giraffes, and an abundance of bird species as they explore the park’s varied ecosystems, which include savannahs, woodlands, and riverine habitats. Ruaha’s pristine landscapes and fewer crowds provide a sense of exclusivity and tranquility, allowing for intimate wildlife encounters and remarkable photographic opportunities. For nature enthusiasts seeking an off-the-beaten-path safari experience with breathtaking scenery and remarkable wildlife diversity, Ruaha National Park is an exceptional choice within the Southern Circuit of Tanzania.


Udzungwa Mountains National Park, nestled in southern Tanzania, is a hidden gem within the Southern Circuit. This park is a paradise for hikers and nature lovers, offering stunning landscapes and unique biodiversity. Known as the “Galapagos of Africa,” Udzungwa Mountains National Park is home to a rich array of endemic species, including the Iringa red colobus monkey and the Udzungwa partridge. Hiking trails wind through lush rainforests, leading to breathtaking waterfalls, natural pools, and panoramic viewpoints. The park’s diverse ecosystems, ranging from montane forests to grasslands, provide a habitat for a variety of wildlife, including elephants, primates, and a wide range of bird species. Udzungwa Mountains National Park offers a remarkable opportunity to explore the lesser-known treasures of Tanzania’s Southern Circuit and immerse oneself in the beauty of its unique flora and fauna.

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